Diversity Debates: University of Toronto
- Employment equity report flawed: John Furedy (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 6 May 2002
- Diversity improves quality of research: James Robert Brown (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 10 June 2002
- Academic decisions based on race or sex a bad idea: Clive Seligman (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 26 June 2002
- Small number of jobs significant: Andrew Irvine (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 22 July 2002
- Diversity Can Increase Excellence: Paul Muter (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 21 May 2002
- The question of diversity: Leo Zakuta (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 26 June 2002
- Women have to be better to be equal: Marcela Bollers (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 22 July 2002
- A Simple Rule: Do Not Discriminate: John Furedy (University of Toronto Bulletin) - 9 September 2002