February 20, 2003

Letter to the Editor

Pankaj Jogi

Equal opportunity

In Clive Seligman's article (Western News, Jan. 39), he mentioned about the ideological belief that women are discriminated against during recruitment at Western while the opposite could be true in order to achieve diversity.

Recruitment of women for any position at Western merely to achieve diversity would definitely satisfy the need of the circumstances but would not solve the purpose.  The task begins after recruitment, when the recruitee is challenged for her/his skills by the demands of the position.  The person recruited for any position, be it a woman or a man, should therefore possess the necessary skills to fulfill the role for the given position.  So, during recruitment for any position at Western, the issue of gender discrimination should certainly take a backseat.

No one would deny that, at Western, every one gets an equal accessibility to resources, and an equal opportunity to improve personal skills and knowledge.

Also, at Western, gender equality is one among the many ethics and principles preached and practiced.  Women and men taking various positions at Western, in most cases I guess, are ones who had studied at Western at some point of time in their life.  The Western women and men should therefore be ready to decline any offer or position given to them on any condition that questions their eligibility.  This is what we learn at Western.  I bet, I do.

Pankaj Jogi, MSc, Physical Therapy

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