- In Memoriam: John J. Furedy (30 June 1940 To 24 August 2016) - Janice Fiamengo
- Some Recent Books On “Research Ethics” - John Mueller
- Academic And Intellectual Freedom: Old Challenges, New Threats, Remedies - Donald A. Downs
- Will The University Of Chicago Letter Have An Effect? - Stephen B. Perrott
- Indigenizing The University: When Reason Is Afraid To Speak - Albert Howard
- Indigenization Advocacy And The Academic University: Legitimizing Wishful Thinking, Superstition And Demagoguery - Frances Widdowson
- “Free The Campuses”—Not So Far Fetched - Walter Bruno
- When Does Avoiding Offending Others In The University Classroom Become Censorship? An Opening Statement For A Discussion, Laurentian University Senate, 17 May 2016 - Michael A. Persinger
- “Islamophobia” At McMaster? - Bill Smyth, Marianne Walters
- Mischaracterizing Faith As Hate Gets Us Nowhere - John Carpay
- John Montalbano: Former UBC Chair’s Dilemma Intensified By Confidentiality Clause - Douglas Todd
- Preferential Hiring As A Response To Narrow Academic Tastes - Mark Mercer