- The George Jonas Freedom Award, 2020 - Peter Suedfeld
- Constitutional Freedoms and the Universities - Mark Mercer
- What They Do in the Shadows - Kathleen Lowrey
- The New Anthropology - Philip Carl Salzman
- The Residential Schools and Mount Royal University: Thou Shalt Not Challenge the Narrative of “Genocide” - Frances Widdowson
- Any Resemblance is Purely Coincidental: A Review of Campusland - Kris Larsen
- Showing Civility where Others Lose their Minds: A Review of Intellectual Freedom and the Culture Wars - Grant A. Brown
- Maoist Censorship and Cowardly Capitulation: The Bruce Gilley Affair, Part II - Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann
- University Recruitment Should Be Based on Merit - Rodney A. Clifton
- Are Micro-Aggressions Really a Human Rights Violation? - Calum Anderson
- The N-Word that Dare Not Speak Its Name - Stuart Chambers
- Infecting Impressionable Minds: from Cholera Flags to Red Lines - Christina Behme
- Applied Post-Modernism Ruins Everything: A Review of Cynical Theories - Patrick Keeney
- A Cancel Culture Primer and Survival Guide - Barbara D. Miller
- The Stupidity of Our Times - Sinclair A. MacRae