- Decolonizing, Indigenization, Reconciliation and Academic Freedom - Sinclair A. MacRae
- The Most Significant Crisis - Philip Backman
- Rescuing the University - Mark Mercer
- The Ascendant Influence of Critical Theory at the CFLA-FCAB National Forum - Todd Kyle
- Library Neutrality and Pluralism: A Manifesto - Michael Dudley
- How "Woke-ism" Threatens Academic Freedom - Frances Widdowson
- Revisiting the Verushka Lieutenant-Duval Affair: The N-word, Academic Sins, and Militant Eradicationists - Stuart Chambers
- In Defense of Satire - Heinz-Joachim Klatt
- Bullying and the Not-So-Hidden Medical Curriculum - David Benatar
- James Lindsay; The Marxification of Education: Paulo Freire's Critical Marxism and the Theft of Education - Kris Larsen
- Rebel Librarian Book Reviews: Thoughts on the Left, Universities, and How Woke Won by Joanna Williams - Barry W. Cull