- Furedy Academic Freedom Award
- The (No) Free Speech Movement - Julie Bosman
- More On (No) Free Speech
- Michigan's Thin Line
- NAS Hails Michigan Race Discrimination Ruling
- SAFS Letter To Provost Owram, University of Alberta
- Provost Owram's Response To SAFS
- SAFS Response To Provost Owram
- Academic Freedom - Marianne Bluger Neily
- Protest U
- Women Who Whine Too Much: Confessing To A Nonexistent Crime - Patricia Hausman
- Study Methods Sound - James Steiger
- Controversy Over A Professor's Poem Prompts Debate On Free Speech At U. of Alaska - Scott Smallwood
- Summary of Recruitment Activity for all Full-time Faculty at the University of Western Ontario by Sex and Year - Clive Seligman