- What Makes A Great University (Lessons From Cambridge) - Ross Anderson
- Queen's Cancels 'Dialogue Facilitator' Program - Joseph Brean
- Free Speech Dies A Slow Death On Canadian Campuses - John Carpay
- Letter To The President Of York University - Shalom Lappin
- Excerpts From President Shoukri's Address To York University Senate
- York University Sanctions Student Groups Over Rally Clashes - Craig Offman
- SAFS Annual General Meeting - May 16, 2009
- Letters To The Presidents Of The University Of Ottawa And Carleton University - Clive Seligman
- Universities Are Betraying Their Central Mission - Penny Stewart, James Turk
- Professor Makes His Mark, But It Costs Him His Job - Erin Anderssen
- The Two Languages Of Academic Freedom - Stanley Fish
- Apsa-Lute Freedom - Mark Steyn
- Staving Off The 'Yellow Peril': The University of California regents attempt to curtail Asian admissions - Stephan Thernstrom