- What are universities for?
- Montreal university takes hard line against class disruptions as student strikes return" - Graeme Hamilton
- Mark Mercer is new SAFS president
- SAFS Annual General Meeting, May 9, 2015
- Free speech under siege - John Carpay
- The decline of Harvard by coddling sheeple - Barry Cooper
- No, professor, you shouldn't treat the oversized toddlers in your classroom like 'children' - Noah Rothman
- University's 'words can hurt' effort nixes ‘lame’, ‘fat,’ ‘homo’, ‘man hater’, ‘exotic’ - Jennifer Kabbany
- Students told they cannot lampoon U.S. Presidents because campus forbids 'mocking' - Andrew Desiderio
- Congratulations, university of Oklahoma, in your outrage you just violated the law - David French
- Men in Dalhousie dentistry Facebook page apologize for sexual postings - Michael Tuttons
- The modern university risks becoming a cocoon of self-indulgence and anti-intellectualism - Rex Murphy
- Universities are teaching students what to think, not how to think - Barbara Kay
- The progressive ideas behind the lack of free speech on campus - Wendy Kaminer
- Jan Narveson responds to Mark Mercer - Jan Narveson
- Scholars ask supreme court to revisit Fisher and rationales for racial preferences
- The new panic: Campus sex assaults - Harvey Silverglade