- Jibber Jabber About Silence - Christina Behme
- Conformists Inside the Gates: The Threat to Academic Freedom from Fellow Faculty - Bruce Pardy
- Matching Rights with Growing Responsibilities: Academic Freedom in Canadian Colleges - Carmen Gindi
- Faculty Opposition to the Chicago Principles in Alberta: The Hidden Agenda of Repressive Tolerance - Frances Widdowson
- Ricardo Duchesne - Philip Backman
- Update: Ryerson Department Chair Demands Professor Surrender a Letter of Reference - Paul Bali
- The Human Cost of Contingency: Review of Herb Childress, The Adjunct Underclass - Carmel Forde
- Review of Jennifer Lackey, Ed., Academic Freedom - Jim Robinson
- Review of Normand Baillargeon (ed.), Liberté surveilée - Sophie Beaulé
- Review of The Coddling of the American Mind: A Book that is Well-Intentioned but Does Not Get at the Heart of the Problems that Plague Academia - Rick Mehta
- Review of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Religion in the University - James Gerrie
- Ditching Secularism in University Advertising - Peter Zizler
- Journalists against Freedom of Expression - Kris Larsen
- Men's Mental Health on Campus - Rob Whitley
- A Letter to Portland State University - Grant A. Brown
- The Aboriginal Grievance Industry and the Demise of the University - David Solway
- Word by Word, SJW's Are Changing America - Philip Carl Salzman
- In Defence of the Ivory Tower - Mark Mercer